Privacy Policy
All personal information gathered by the psychologist during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential. No information will be released without a signed consent form. Exceptions to this are;
If we are required by law to disclose information (subpoena from a Court).
When there is a risk of serious danger to you or to another person. The clinician is ethically bound to take the necessary steps to prevent such danger.
If a referral is used from a paediatrician, psychiatrist or GP with a Mental Health Care Plan, a letter is required with a brief summary to the referring GP after completion of each block of 6 then 4 sessions or earlier if required.
Your consent has been obtained to provide a written report or letter to another professional or agency or discuss the material with another person. E.g. parent, teacher and /or health care providers.
In the case of insurance or compensation claims, it is a requirement that your Psychologist provide a report about your treatment to the insurer.